
Memorial Donations

Huron Public Library gratefully accepts memorial donations. The donation may go into the General Fund or be put toward a specific department. Please complete the following form and then take the form to the Circulation Desk or send it to the Library by mail. You are welcome to contact the Library with any questions.

  • Plaques are placed in books (or other materials) in memory of a specific person.
  • Once the Library has received a donation, letters will be sent to the family and to the donor with notification of materials selected for Memorial plaques.
  • Memorials and Honorees are also printed in the quarterly Between the Bookends newsletter and then displayed in a collective book in the main lobby of the Library so patrons can view the donations.
  • Average cost for a children’s book is $15.00.
  • Average cost for an adult book is $25.00.
  • Checks may be made payable to Huron Public Library.

Memorial Donation Form

Honoree Donations

Huron Public Library gratefully accepts honoree donations. The donation may go into the General Fund or be put toward a specific department. Please complete the following form and then take the form to the Circulation Desk or send it to the Library by mail. You are welcome to contact the Library with any questions.

  • Plaques are placed in books (or other materials) in honor of a specific person.
  • Once the Library has received a donation, letters will be sent to the honoree and to the donor with notification of materials selected for Honoree plaques.
  • Memorials and Honorees are also printed in the quarterly Between the Bookends newsletter and then displayed in a collective book in the main lobby of the Library so patrons can view the donations.
  • Average cost for a children’s book is $15.
  • Average cost for an adult book is $25.
  • Checks may be made payable to Huron Public Library.

Honoree Donation Form

Book Donations

The Library accepts book and other material donations year-round. Donated items are sorted by volunteers and then placed in the Library's ongoing Book Nook sale. If you need assistance unloading boxes at the Library, call ahead at (419) 433-5009 or stop by the Circulation Desk to ask for a cart.

We ask that patrons donate no more than two boxes per week.

The Library can accept donations of:

  • Gently used books
  • Fiction hardback & paperbacks 
  • Nonfiction 
  • Children's books
  • Textbook (college and high school)
  • AV materials (DVDs, CDs, and books on CD in working condition)

The Library can NOT accept donations of:

  • Magazines 
  • Reader's Digest Condensed Books 
  • VHS tapes and cassettes
  • Puzzles and games
  • Materials that are damaged, dirty, or have yellowing pages
  • Encyclopedias and reference materials
  • Materials that are not regularly circulated at the Library

Items may be checked upon receiving. We reserve the right to not accept donations.

Contact Us
Huron Public Library

333 Williams Street
Huron, Ohio 44839

(419) 433-5009
(419) 433-7228
Monday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5 pm
Saturday 9:30 am - 2 pm
Sunday 1 - 5 pm
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